ABSTRACT: Drought is a natural hazard that has hit Europe hard over the last decades. The DROUGHT-R&SPI project (2011-2015) advances on drought research and associated science-policy interfacing. This FP7 project works at various scales, ranging from local to the pan-EU level. In addition to the European level, the project works in six Case Studies, in Greece (local), Spain & Italy (river basin), Portugal, Switzerland, and The Netherlands (national). In the paper, the various drought science-policy interfacing approaches are described. An overall finding is that Science-Policy interfacing at detailed scales (i.e. specific to sector, context and territory) is easier than at pan-European scale. Another important conclusion is that successful science-policy interfaces develop over time, based on their specific (socio-economic, historic and institutional) circumstances and specific drought characteristics. As well, stakeholders appreciate to be engaged in science-policy activities, they express a benefit from being involved. The functioning of the science-policy interfaces has been observed to refine and improve in the case of prolonged or successive droughts.