In recent years, rock engineering gradually towards on the deep underground, groundwater impact on the long-term stability of the rock engineering is more prominent. Research shows that water is the important factors that influence on the rheological properties of the rocks (LIU 1994). The disturbance of surrounding rock caused by tunnel excavation give rise to change of stress states, rock mass damage gradually accumulation until produce cracks what leading to the increase of the rock mass seepage path, the cracked rock mass further produce larger crack under the action of fissure water, with the increase of time, the rock engineering may be lead to engineering accidents such as instability of surrounding rock as well as the dam failures in certain states. Therefore, the long-term stability of the rock mass engineering depends on not only the action of the rheological behavior of rock, but also considered the effect of groundwater on the rheological process. Though domestic and foreign scholars conducted a lot of research on the aspects and obtained the certain research results (Wawersik 1974, Lajtal 1987, Okubo 2010, Sun 1999, Zhu 2002, Li 2003, Liu 2004, Li 2001, Cao 2001, Yu 1997, Wang 1012). The study on

temperature for 24 h as dry sample; Saturated specimen prepare that it make the sample submerge into water step by step, firstly, submerge height reached a quarter of the rock specimen, and then respectively achieved to 1/3 and 1/2 of sample height every 2 h, then completely submerged sample after 6 h, finally, sample is force saturated by the vacuum suction method.