There are some methods which are used for the simplification of logic functions such as Karnaugh maps, formula and Q-M. Tao [Tao, Y. M. 2009] proposed a method “3-D simplification” based on the idea of Karnaugh maps to simplify logic function variables increased to six. Xu [Xu, J. P, Cheng, L. X. 2011] proposed an improved Q-M method for simplification of logic functions. This method can reduce the number of iterations, and accelerate the speed of simplification. A method using Ant Colony Algorithm to simplify large scale logical function was put forward [Li, Y. Z, Pan, Q. K, Li, J, Q. 2007]. Experiments showed the evolvable hardware method solve simplification of large scale logic function. Wang [Wang, P, Zeng, S. Y, Yan, J. F. 2006] using thinking of evolvable hardware design had realized a novel method in simplifying the given logic function, which was different from conventional method, such as algebra method and Karnaugh map method. Experiments showed that evolvable hardware method could solve simplification of large scale logic function. Wang [Wang, B. 1987] is given by the adjacent code requires minimum coding method of simplifying logic function algorithm. In this paper, in the given a minimum combination rules that reflect the combined minimum map based on a minimum of the combination map simplification of logic function method. The simplification of logic function method has all of the available logic functions in simplest form, simplification process is simple, intuitive and easy to implement on a computer.