Our FoxMRP material requirements planning system consists of basic information management, MRP calculation management, query material planning management, traceability management, Action reports and exception reports, user management module. Proposed FoxMRP algorithm, and can provide regeneration, net reform (counting only changes in part) and action information. First in-transit order entry only after, ordering based on an ordering insufficient amount; computing fine to day, week, month; using the concept of retention; provide POQ, LFT, FOQ other bulk rule; provide information on traceability (Pegging Data) recorded gross demand and planned receipts data sources; support materials table alternative structures; provide safe storage quantity, minimum order quantity batch, multiple, fixed order quantity; provide a safe time, longer lead time than the more effective solution to the problem of late; provide Hedge Inventory; provide the projected inventory amount and future purchases\outsourcing amounts statements; support measurement units of characteristics, according to the way decimal\ decimal digits offs, revised gross requirements and so on.