Cenozoic aquifer groundwater of Huainan panxie mining area belongs to the pore water of loose rocks, occurs in tertiary and quaternary unconsolidated sediments, aquifer is a set of fluvial, alluvialhonghu, lacustrine sand, gravel and sand or sandy loam layer, the total thickness is 5~300 m. The research area belongs to warm temperate humid monsoon climate. Whose characters are: the quantity of heat is rich, plenty of sunshine, mild climate, moderate rainfall, four seasons, monsoon significantly, rainy summer, winter drought, frostfree period is long (an average of 230 days). Annual precipitation change is big, uneven distribution of season, easy to form the drought and flood disasters, the spring and autumn period when cold when hot, the temperature is not stable. The annual average temperature 15.3°C. The highest temperature in July, average of 28°C~28.4°C, the minimum temperature in January, an average of 1.2°C.