Since the 1960s, new greening technologies, such as spray seeding technology, have been widely used in stabilizing side slope, preventing soil erosion and recovering the vegetation (Ye J.J. 2006). In June, 1987, Japan introduced continuous fiberreinforced soil construction method from France, which was then combined with the slope greening construction method, to develop the continuous fiber greening construction method (TC greening construction method) (Li X.G. et al. 1995). In the theoretical study, foreign scholars made a large amount of studies. With respect to the influence of vegetation on the stability of side slope, the scholars Ellison and Cman-drake et al. proposed that the slope with forest cover had larger creep speed than that with turf cover and the side slope load enlarged by the forest resulted in the unbalanced destruction of the side slope after observing the movement of the side slope after the cutting in the forest cover zone in Queensland. Practice has proven that the side slope with good vegetation cover has much lower rate of landside than the bare side slope (Wu Y.H. 2006).