The intention of the design is to create balance between its different parts, whilst conceiving the project and its construction as a process that reveals what underlies it.

Vernacular architecture is expressed in the main characteristics of the building:

1. Materials and construction systems adapted to the environment and popular tradition,

2. The creation of micro-climates favoring adequate comfort outside and in, influencing temperature ranges, humidity, color, vegetation and natural or artificial lighting,

3. The aesthetic and structural features of the building are unique, based on the study of culture, climate and environment, although its key characteristics arise from common roots shared with other example of vernacular architecture,

4. The interaction between an organic design, respect for its users’ needs, and its vernacular legacy, is the result of a commitment to comfort and the human dimension, (Fanger 1970)

5. The response to the need for protection from the local climate and the use of locally sourced materials with an emphasis on close proximity (Pearson 2001)

6. The response to the empirical experience and knowledge of recent generations without severing with the wealth of past tradition.