The Sama Range Biological Reserve is located in the Western region of the Tarija Department (Bolivia) and comprises the towns of Yunchara, Cercado Tarija, El Puente, Padcaya and San Lorenzo. It has an extension of 1085 km2 and its geographical coordinates are: 64°50’–65°08’ West, 21°17’–21°52’ South (SERNAP 2014). The Sama Range runs North to South and its altitude ranges from 1950 to 4700 m above sea level. Its topography is characterized by steep slopes, mesetas and High-Andean lagoons that form the Tajzara basin (PMRBCS 2004). The hydrographic network consists of the basins of the Tajzara, Tomayapo, Tolomosa, San Juan del Oro, Camacho and Guadalquivir rivers.