College English Curriculum Requirements issued by the Ministry of Education in 2007 emphasizes that colleges and universities should adopt a new teaching mode to improve the original single classroom teaching mode, which demands that “English teaching and learning based on the modern information technology, especially network technology should not be limited by time and place to a certain extent but should have the trend toward individualized and autonomous learning”. The promotion of this new mode requires learners to have a strong ability of autonomous learning, namely in the learning process learners can set goals, make plans, select learning methods and skills, monitor the language acquisition process and assess the ability of learning. Meta-cognitive strategy helps learners to plan, supervise and assess their learning at the right time. The use of meta-cognitive strategy is a bridge to the autonomous learning, and also it is the internal force of autonomous learning and the powerful tools of realizing autonomous learning. Grasping the meta-cognitive strategy means that learners can be responsible for their own learning. Therefore, it is very important that teachers cultivate learners’ meta-cognitive awareness and strategy in college English teaching in China, which is very helpful for students’ foreign language learning in present and future.