Regulating viscera, dredging meridians, complying with timing, regulating Qi are the connotation of healthcare. Human body as viscera-centered runs through the meridians to make the Qi and blood connect with body. Throughout the human body, viscera, meridians, Qi and blood, they are not only connect with each other, but also restrict each other. Healthcare actions and practice methods according to Yin and Yang, viscera, meridians, and timing highlight the communication between action and human body meridian point. Yin and Yang theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine thinks that pubic region is central, it affects viscera and meridians. Chinese ancients said, pubic region is Qihai point which can eliminate the disease. So PEIYUAN, spermatogenesis and repose for external Qi always though the acupuncture point. Qi turns and flows to all parts of human body to make the body fluid. Regulating body needs to relaxation, standup and strength. Relaxation demands body relaxes from inside and outside and to be static and nature; standup means can support all directions; strength needs the coordination of the whole body and integration from internal and external. The objective of complying with timing and regulating Qi is to make human body adapts the changing external natural environment


The development process of Chinese traditional culture of healthcare reflects the art of ancient Chinese working people continuously exceeding the realistic in life. Daoyin Health Preservation Exercises was appeared as early as the Western Han Dynasty which was given priority to medical and which the representative was Wuqinxi. The word of “Healthcare” was first put forward in the “Chuang-Tzu Health Master” which was appeared in Warring States Period. The definition of healthcare in “The encyclopedia of China” is as the principle of adjusting Yin-Yang, Qi and blood, protecting spirit, using Tiaoshen, Daoyin, expiration and inspiration, health maintenance in four seasons, dietary regimen, health preserving with drugs, abstinence, Bigu and other means to achieve the purpose of longevity and health. The definition of healthcare is divided into two categories, one is static healthcare without sports, and the other is dynamic health methods based on physical exercise.