The research study was developed in 2012/2013. The study was conducted in the municipality of Pombal. The Level II study, descriptive correlational, the cross sectional cohort. The type of sampling was


With the passage of time has been witnessing significant changes in urban and rural centers. These changes, resulting primarily from the increase in population concentration and overloads the infrastructure of these centers, without a commitment to deliver quality to urban inhabitants (Borrego, 2009; Costa, 2005). Nowadays, communities recognize that outdoor air pollution has serious health effects, since the air is increasingly contaminated (Ministry of Environmental). However, there is not the same awareness of the risks associated with poor air quality inside buildings, which turns out to be harmful, since it is contaminated also, directly and/or indirectly by air pollution. Due to this large imbalance has been a particular attention on the issue of quality of indoor air, because it is not only the existence of pollutants. But also the comfort level and the perception that each does the quality of the air we breathe (Bernardes, 2009; Verdelhos, 2011; Nabais, 2004). Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is the building itself that instead of ensuring the welfare and preserve the health of its occupants, is the generator of different types of health problems (Carmo, 1999). The SBS is characterized by five types of symptoms: mucous membrane irritation of eyes, nose and throat; neuropsychiatric disorders (fatigue, headaches, confusion, dizziness); skin problems (itching, dry skin); asthma-like symptoms and, finally, unpleasant taste and odor (Verdelhos, 2011; Silva, C., 2005; Santos et al., 1992). In a general sense, the IAQ can be defined as one that does not affect the welfare of the occupants of the space in question (Bernardes, 2009; Sanguessuga, 2012). In a more technical

not probabilistic, and the technique of convenience sampling. The sample represents all the homes of that municipality. The sample was composed of three nursing homes in the county of Pombal and by their seniors, of whom 33 responded to the questionnaires, being the total sample was 60. Data collection was conducted in two stages, the first visits to nursing homes with the aim of evaluating the physical space to be monitored. The questionnaires were administered by their family. The selection of the participants focused on those who were residents of the study areas (homes). The questionnaire consisted of two parts, the first relating to the personal information of the respondent and the second part allowed review, beyond the knowledge of the users about IAQ, the existence or absence of SBS. The second step was to evaluate the IAQ in the selected space, the living room of every nursing home, using the analytical evaluation of chemical compound as CO2, CO, PM10, and VOC’s, and indicators of thermal comfort as, T and Hr, being the detection limit of the equipment VOC’s: 0,00-2000/0-50000 mg/m3; CO2: 0-5000 ppm; PM: 0-200 mg/m3; CO: 0-1000 ppm; T: 0,0-60,0 graus C and Hr: 0,0-100,0%.