The first was to collect data, with methodological based on research in the field, by method observational and descriptive, using tools, such as checklist and grille risk assessment, constituents manual Technical Guideline No. 1, the Regulatory Authority Health (2010). The field research was divided into four areas of data collection: i) areas and facilities, which were identified in the floor plants, all existing sectors and assigned an identification code to each, ii) human entity, having been made a characterization of human resources, according to age, gender, education and sector work in the health unit; iii) existing risks in the health unit, made initially through a risk mapping and poste-

According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, every year dies about 5580 people in the European Union as a result of accidents and 159 000 due to other diseases (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2012).