Geothermal systems are found throughout the world in a range of geological settings and are increasingly being developed as an energy source. Hot springs, geysers, mud pots, and fumaroles are dynamic surface features that represent interacting subterranean system of water, heat, and rocks. Three geological components are required for the formation of any geothermal water: water, heat, and reservoir rock. Each of the different types of geothermal system has distinct characteristics that are reflected in the chemistry of the geothermal fluids and their potential applications. Meteoric water that has gained depths of several kilometers through fractures and permeable horizons forms most of hydrothermal fluids. The source of heat is either magma, in the case of volcano-related geothermal systems, or high geothermal gradient due to decay of radioactive elements within the depths of the earth. Fractures in rocks often create permeability; however, in some systems interconnected pores or large cave systems allow fluids to flow (Heasler et al., 2009).