The study was conducted in the La Peyne catchmentin the South of France (43°29′ N and 3°22′ E). Vineyards comprisethe primary land use in the area. The area can be divided into two main geo-pedological domains: i) a marine domain with marl, limestone and calcareous sandstones from Miocene marine and lacustrine sediments on which Lithic Leptosols, Calcaric Regosols and Calcaric Cambisols have formed and ii) a fluviatile domain with successive alluvial deposits ranging from the Pliocene to Holocene on which Calcaric, Chromic and Eutric Cambisols, Chromic and Eutric Luvisols and Eutric Fluvisols have formed. These two domains were delineated


Recent attempts to document GlobalSoilMap (GSM) grid cells has confirmed that legacy data that aretoo sparse can severely limit the performances of Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) models. Therefore, the legacy soil data should be complemented in the future by denser spatial sets of soil property measurements. Visible-near infrared HyperSpectral Imagery (HSI) is considered here as one possible source of such measurements.