The monitoring system WiSeNeMONIT consists of two main subsystems, namely the on-line subsystem and the off-line subsystem that supports the former one by a numerical module (Gizejowski et al. 2012). The on-line subsystem is responsible entirely for recording, storing and evaluating the structural deflections under climatic actions (snow, ice, rainwater) in representative number of nodal points, and recording the temperature changes in respective structural elements. The off-line subsystem utilizes the temperature data from the on-line subsystem and performs numerical evaluation of action effects, displacements in all the nodes and stress resultants in all the line elements

of the monitored structure. The on-line subsystem consists of three types of hardware devices interconnected in a radio multi-hop data transmission network. They are integrated measuring devices, retransmitting devices and central controlling unit (for details refer to Gizejowski et al. 2012).