The research team, whose research results on the Baltic light vessels we are presenting, carried out a project between 2008 and 2010, dedicated to lighthouses of Polish coast, their origins and modern history, as well as exploitation and lighthouse keepers’ work. The results of the research were introduced in many publications, including books, such as Iwona Pietkiewicz’s “Jarosáawiec Lighthouse” (“Latarnia morska Jarosáawiec”), published by OPTI, Gdynia in 2010, “Daráowo Lighthouse” (“Latarnia morska Daráowo”, published by OPTI, Gdynia 2011, “Ustka lighthouse and coastal rescue station” (“Latarnia morska i stacja ratownicwa brzegowego Ustka”), co-author A. Komorowski, published by OPTI, Gdynia 2011 as well as the already-mentioned “Marine Signposts of the Polish Coasts”. The experience gained from the research allowed to aim the team’s effort at getting to know the history of Baltic light vessels, even though Poland did not use such vessels. Due to this fact, the work concerned Danish, Finnish, German, Russian and Swedish vessels. As long as financial sources allowed, research was carried out in English, German, Swedish and Russian archives. Literature base (books and other publications) from other countries, namely Denmark and Finland, were also analyzed. Due to the research, the project ended, as

it was planned, in 2012 and publishing work is being finalized as we speak. The synthesis of the light vessel’s research of the above-cited countries along with accurate graphs and charts is shown in the conclusion.