In this chapter we fi rst summarize the fi ndings of the empirical case studies on the Finnish peer-group mentoring model after which we examine the challenges of its application. In the fi rst study (chapter 3), Eila Estola, Leena Syrjälä and Tuuli Maunu examined newly qualifi ed teachers’ experiences of their fi rst years of work on the basis of the discussions that took place within peer mentoring groups. Their fi ndings showed that new teachers face the same problems that are generally regarded as universal challenges in teachers’ work: the tension between being busy and enjoying the work, problems integrating into the work community, and relationships with the students and their parents. New teachers found peer-group mentoring important for their well-being. Teachers rarely have time for in-depth discussions with their colleagues during their everyday work, and therefore group meetings offered them the much welcomed time, space and opportunity with which to share their experiences.