The roots of our human sexuality are found in the reproductive system and the ability to procreate. At the lower levels of the polygenetic scale of animal life, the reproductive processes are not sexual. They are essentially preprogrammed into all living organisms and are more or less “automatic.” This automatic reproductive process allows for the procreation of species and the continuing life cycles that we know as nature. There are microscopic creatures that bypass sexual union and simply reproduce by dividing. Other organisms may be hermaphroditic and fulfill the function of both males and females. In the film

Jurassic Park

, scientists were able to clone the DNA of ancient dinosaurs. Their plan was to reproduce this long extinct species for viewing and studying in an upscale version of an amusement park. Obviously, something went horribly wrong when the more vicious and dangerous dinosaurs suddenly started to reproduce and began to hunt the scientists. I am sure that the audience may have been shocked to learn that the carnivorous dinosaurs were able to reproduce themselves, because they were hermaphroditic. The movie proposed that these ancient dinosaurs could have threatened the annihilation of mankind.