Critical, modern investigations of riot control agent (RCA)-induced reproductive and developmental toxicology are severely lacking. Despite the widespread use of such agents in both the military and public sectors, published and accessible human gestational exposure data as well as clinical and epidemiological studies of birth outcomes for RCAexposed individuals (occupational, inadvertent, or intentional) are essentially nonexistent. To this date, the few older animal studies that have investigated the reproductive and developmental toxicology of the RCAs have limitations making a comprehensive review difficult. These limitations include: studies that focus only on select agents (CA, BA, DM); those that lack mammalian species (CN, CNS, CNC, CNB); those involving pregnancy in a single species only (CR, rabbit; oleoresin capsicum, rat); and those that do not address both male and female factors (as in the FDA Segment 1 and the multigenerational reproduction studies of the WHO or US EPA).