In this chapter, we propose a framework for classifying reading strategies and describes empirically supported strategies that fall within that framework. The chapters in this volume describe reading strategies and interventions that are theoretically motivated and have been shown to effectively improve reading comprehension. This chapter organizes the various strategies described in this volume within a single framework. This framework also emerged from a collaboration with the College Board to revise their English, Language, and Arts Standards for middle school through college-ready high school students. The College Board Reading Comprehension Standards describe the process

by which successful readers construct the meaning of texts. The first three standards are (a) Comprehension of Words, Sentences, and Components of Texts; (b) Using Prior Knowledge, Context, and Understanding of Language to Comprehend and Elaborate the Meaning of Texts; and (c) Author’s Purpose, Audience, and Craft. Most important, the fourth reading standard included within the College Board standards document is Using Strategies to Comprehend Texts. As far as we know, the College Board’s is the first standards document to include reading strategies as a separate standard. This was done in recognition of the growing empirical evidence for the importance of reading strategies for successful reading. Much of that evidence is summarized in the chapters of this volume.