There are many stressors in college life, such as greater academic demands, financial difficulties, changes in social life, and so forth (Ross, Niebling, & Heckert, 1999). One college conducted a study to specifically identify the impediments to academic performance for its undergraduate students. Here is a list of the top eight reasons that caused students to receive an incomplete, drop a course, or receive a low grade in a class or on an exam: (1) cold, flu, sore throat, (2) stress, (3) sleep difficulties, (4) concern for a troubled friend or family member, (5) use of Internet and computer games, (6) relationship difficulty, (7) depression, anxiety, or seasonal affective disorder, and (8) death of a friend or family member (American College Health Association, 2005). As you see, many of the top eight reasons are related to your emotions, such as anxiety and depression. There is increasing evidence that stress, anxiety, and depression among college students is on the rise (Reisberg, 2000). Peterson (2002) described a study finding that 30% of college freshmen reported feeling overwhelmed a great deal of the time. If you have continuous feelings of sadness, decreased energy, fatigue, loss of interest or pleasure in your daily activities, feelings of hopelessness or guilt, or cry a great deal, you should seek help beyond the information provided in this chapter. Speak to your academic advisor or dorm advisor, make an appointment at your counseling center, or find out about the mental health resources in your community. There are many successful treatments for stress and depression.