Missionary care, defined as that branch of ministry that encompasses the care of the psychological, spiritual, and physical health of Christians on the mission field, is an important focus of today’s Christian doctor. Physicians such as psychiatrists Dr. Jarrett Richardson, Dr. Barney M. Davis Jr., and the late Dr. David L. Stewart have contributed greatly to the development of this field as they serve and have served the needs of missionaries. Missionary care may include help in adjustment to their surroundings, marital issues, family life, transitions, illnesses, and, most important, their spiritual needs. One organization, the Christian Medical and Dental Association, attends to the specific needs of medical missionaries through its Commission of Continuing Medical and Dental Education (CMDE). This project, which began twenty-three years ago, has provided for the Continuing Medical Education (CME) accreditation for the medical missionaries in Africa, Asia, and throughout the world. This is done in conjunction with providing biblical feeding through inspiring preachers, Christian counseling, and a program of fellowship and support to the spouses and children. Alternating between Asia and Africa, the highly qualified members from the United States bring up-to-date medical information to full-time missionaries, with some faculty enthusiastically returning on a yearly basis.