The general purpose of this chapter, and the one to follow (Chapter 10), is to examine the conduct of UK investors (Murray and Lott, 1995; Murray and Marriott, 1998; Bushrod, 2002), in their provision of finance capital (in venture capital or private equity form (Robbie, 1998; Campbell, 2003). As in previous chapters in this book, the firms in question are producing or developing hightechnology products. The specific focus of this chapter is on the valuation of such companies (Brown and Cliff, 2005) on the evidence base of financial reporting, risk reporting (Kothavala, 2003) and information on internally developed intangible assets (Brynjolfsson et al., 2002; Mueller and Supina, 2002; Brown and Cliff, 2005). The ultimate purpose of these, we shall see in the next chapter, is to determine the level of provision of funds to investees.