Labor strikes or disorders can easily turn into major civil disturbances. All that is needed is an agitator or a catalyst of some type to transform an ordinary lawabiding group into an uncontrollable mob. Loss-prevention personnel have a duty to protect company property and all the occupants within that property. If the disturbance moves onto the company’s property to do damage or harm, security officers may take the necessary action to control the incident. If damage to the facility is caused by persons off the company property, security officers may not leave the property to pursue the perpetrators. Security officers are not law enforcement officers and have only the arrest powers given to any civilian. Unless the security officers have full police or peace officer powers given to them by the local municipality or the state, and personal liability insurance, they would do well to let the local police handle the situation. In this case, it would be advisable that the company and law enforcement be in communication regarding support under varied circumstances before a strike occurs.