When interviewing a batterer or sexual offender, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the interview. Several reasons why offenders are interviewed will be discussed. Offenders are interviewed as part of an investigation of a crime or other allegations of misconduct, and this generally involves an attempt to obtain a confession from the offense, or at the very least, help to understand the allegation or offense more clearly. Another reason why offenders are interviewed is as part of a forensic assessment for the Court. This may include an assessment to determine the recommendations for the most appropriate type of consequences, intervention, or treatment. Without a thorough assessment, it is difficult if not impossible to make effective recommendations that take into account the offender’s entire life rather than simply the concerns resulting for the offense at hand. Sometimes the forensic assessment is for the purpose of determining whether the sex offender should be committed to a state hospital or prison for life as a sexual predator or sexually dangerous person. In this case, the interview is used to facilitate more information about the offender’s entire life; assess the degree of remorse, empathy, and responsibility for the offense behavior; and to determine whether the offender may be treatable in a less severe environment. Offenders may also be interviewed as part of an intake process before entering an anger management, domestic abuse, or sex offender treatment program.