Panel Data Analysis Research ........................................................................................... 590 32.8 Data Analysis Questions.................................................................................................... 591 References ..................................................................................................................................... 591

Panel data analysis enables researchers to generate relatively higher level of statistical validity in policy analysis and program evaluation using more sophisticated research design than statistical techniques using cross-sectional data. Due to such advantages, panel data analysis has been used in various research papers and journal articles in social science and it becomes increasingly popular to researchers over the recent years.* In fact, it has been one of the key components in quantitative methods or one of the core statistical or econometrics courses for graduate programs in public policy and public administration as well as political science, economics, finance, sociology, and many other fields of social science. Accordingly, textbooks dealing with this topic are burgeoning: some are titled panel data analysis and others include only chapters for panel data analysis while dealing

students who want to gain an introductory level understanding of panel data analysis without using matrix algebra, Wooldridge’s Introductory Econometrics (2006) is recommendable. The book provides essential components of basic models with a number of good examples and exercises without using complicated proofs with matrix algebra. For advanced students and researchers who have good knowledge of matrix algebra and calculus, books by Wooldridge (2002), Baltalgi (2001), Hsiao (2003), and Greene (2003) are among most useful ones.