These are general procedures of laboratory operation that are likely already in effect. Section E of Appendix A of 1910.1450 lists the following considerations:

A. Accidents, spills B. Avoidance of routine exposure C. Choice of chemicals D. Eating, drinking, smoking, etc. E. Equipment and glassware F. Exiting G. Horseplay H. Mouth suction I. Personal apparel J. Personal housekeeping K. Personal protection L. Planning M. Unattended operations N. Use of hood O. Vigilance P. Waste and disposal storage Q. Working alone

Section F, Appendix A, of 1901.1450 includes additional safety recommendations:

A. Corrosive agents B. Electrically powered laboratory apparatus C. Fires, explosions D. Low temperature procedures E. Pressurized and vacuum operations F. Compressed gases G. Chemical storage

Attached to this plan, in the appendix, are the SOPs in place at [Name of Organization] for the safe handling of chemicals in our laboratory. Often these standard operating procedures

• • The written portion of the radiation safety program is located at [Location]. • The written portion of the biological safety program is located at [Location].