For detainees to open themselves up to participating in rehabilitation programs, they have to feel as if their needs and desires are being considered. Thus, the actual carrying out of the rehabilitation programs proved to be most effective when taking detainee needs, desires, and mindsets into consideration. Things that might seem relatively simple or even of little importance to someone not detained were sometimes the deciding factor of whether or not a detainee would participate in a course and/or be cooperative with soldiers. The care and custody of detainees, which involves correct classižcation, housing placement, medical care, motivation, extracurricular activities, and-above alltreating each with dignity and respect, all go into a detainee’s choice on whether or not to cooperate with or inhibit detention operations. Every soldier and contractor who has dealt with a detained population understands that the way he/she treats the detainee inadvertently will affect how much information he/she is able to get from the detainee, as well as continued cooperation level.