Short Overview of Main European Supplier (or So-Called Donor) and Destination (or So-Called Demanding) Countries 29 Which Circumstances in Donor and Demanding Countries Smooth the Way for the Commerce in Organs, Predominantly Kidneys? 30

Supplying the Black Market with the “Illicit” Good and Services 32 Actors Operating is Business 32 Dierent Methods Applied by Actors 33 Who Are the Victims of Tracking in Organs? 34

e Donor as a Victim 34 e Recipient as a Victim 35

Discussed and Developed Measures to Tackle the Phenomenon 35 European Legislations and Conventions to Combat the Phenomenon 35

Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine80 36 Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine concerning Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin82 36

Increasing the Number of Available Transplants as a Preventive Measure 37

An unsuspecting tourist was supposedly drugged in his hotel room by a prostitute and woke up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice, minus a kidney. It is a scenario that has been passed around the world in dierent versions via email to a countless number of people, and it is what many people believe to be the phenomenon of tracking in human organs, while police as well as organ transplant foundations have tried to stop it several times already.1 Several internet sources as well as several national and international tabloids oer horrifying stories about organ snatchers operating throughout the world. ese crime rings supposedly take organs from human beings without their consent and sell them on the black market for enormous amounts of money.