As the public becomes more educated about terrorism and what this nation has to do to be prepared to defend itself against terrorism, the public will be less inclined to ask what government is doing to protect us. They will arrive at the conclusion that everyone, including them, has a role in contributing to preparedness. Then there will be an expectation — from a wider audience than just the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) — that companies, organizations, and government agencies responsible for critical infrastructures are taking proactive measures to ensure preparedness and protect the infrastructures from attacks. Table 6.1 (“Worldwide Terrorism by Target”) shows the number of attacks documented over the last 3 years. Trends have shown that numbers of attacks climb and drop, but not dramatically; the trend for the last 40 years has been an increase in attacks altogether. Table 6.1 also illustrates the type of targets that were attacked between 2005 and 2007.