Describe various types of environmental damage that can occur in • the context of natural, technological, and terrorist disasters Identify a range of strategies for providing for environmental recovery • Discuss why people value and appreciate environmental resources • and why resource protection can mitigate future risks Explain the value of environmentally friendly recovery strategies • Link environmental recovery to a holistic strategy around housing, • transportation, business, and infrastructural recovery

Introduction Most of us take pleasure in and value our environmental resources . It is likely that most people reading this book recycle, participate in outdoor activities, or enjoy the thrill of seeing a secluded waterfall or a new species of bird . Parents socialize their children to appreciate the world around them by identifying plants and animals, going for walks, looking for butterflies, visiting zoos, planting flowers, caring for pets, and providing winter food for birds and other animals . It is frightening, then, to think that the world

we love could be endangered through our own actions, and it is equally reassuring to know that, if we safeguard planet Earth, it can return that safety to us during times of disasters .