Explain why donations can be a “second disaster” due to unexpected • forms of convergence Understand the importance of public education surrounding appro-• priate disaster donations Identify the benefits and challenges associated with disaster donations • Understand, honor, and work with the reasons why people donate • money and items in disaster situations List which donations are best in particular situations • Outline key parts of a donations management strategy • Explain basic principles for working with donors, donations, and • partnering organizations Outline strategies for effective management and distribution of • donations Link donations management to the longer recovery period, when • donations are most needed Appreciate the importance and value of financial accountability • for donations

Introduction Our hearts go out to those affected by disasters . As we watch the television, grateful that it is not our home or neighborhood, we can see that people have lost everything to the tornado, flood, hurricane, or earthquake . Surely they need our help-and our American values lean us toward doing all that we can for those impacted by the unexpected . We dig deeply into our closets, cupboards, garages, and even our bank accounts, and we send whatever we have . We roll up our sleeves and donate blood . We join in with others and fill grocery bags to the brim, drop off canned goods at radio and television drives, and send truckloads of goods to the impacted area .