Introduction 452 Terminology452 Disorganized Labor454

Police Unions Collapse: 50 Years since the 1919 Boston Police Strike454 e Police Labor Movement a¯er 1979455 e Competitive Nature of the Police Labor Movement458 More Fragmentation: Different Ranks, Different Unions, and Multiple Affiliations458 What Does the Future Hold for Police Unity in the United States?459

e American Policing Model461 Decentralized, Disorganized, and Disconnected461 e Impact of Global Events on Domestic Policing in the United States462 e Price of Policing a Community464 e Uniqueness of “Political” Policing in the United States465

Decentralized Labor Laws467 Incoherent Labor Laws467 Where Are the Police Unions on Federal Legislation?468

e Greatest Challenge Facing American Policing469 Forging Shared Common Visions between Unions and Management469 e Absence of a Uniform National Professional Police Standard Framework470 A New Model: A National Police Labor-Management Council471