A great deal of research has been done in the United States and progress made in assisting police to deal with encounters with mentally ill offenders. Much has been written about crisis intervention teams and their varying degrees of success in the United States, depending on the particular jurisdiction. While the situation there has been well documented in the literature

Introduction 39 Methodology 40 The Situation in Western Europe 41

The Perception of Risk 42 A Return to Reinstitutionalisation? 43

The United Kingdom 43 Antistigma Programmes 47 Diversion Schemes 47 The Appropriate Adult 50

A Study of Police Practices and Attitudes in Some Western and Northern European Countries 51

Netherlands 51 Denmark 52 France 52 Norway 54 Greece 54 Central and Eastern Europe 56 Republic of Croatia 57

Conclusion 57 References 58

(Compton et al., 2008), and to a lesser extent the situation in the UK, Canada, and Australia, outside of these areas there is a lack of research literature specifically on this issue. The purpose of this chapter is to provide some coverage of the situation in Europe (including the UK) from such documentation, as is available.