Anthropometry: A method of measurement of human body characteristics used to show variation or to differentiate between two individuals.

Arch: One of the three general types of fingerprint patterns that has no deltas. Casting: Preservation of a three-dimensional impression by molding with dental

stone. Chemical fingerprinting: A method of enhancing latent fingerprints by reacting

chemicals with the fingerprint residue. Dactyloscopy: The science of friction ridge comparison. Dermal papillae: The layer of cells in the skin between the dermis and epidermis. Dermis: The innermost portion of the skin, which contains blood vessels, nerves,

hair follicles and sweat glands. Epidermis: The outermost portion of the skin, which contains five translucent lay-

ers of skin and no blood vessels. Fingerprint dusting: A method of enhancing latent fingerprints by applying pow-

ders to the print residues, making them visible. Fluorescence: The emission of electromagnetic radiation (usually light) from an

atom that has absorbed energy from another source, causing electrons to shift energy levels in the atom.