It can be said that cartridge technology developed in concert with small arms. As cartridges became more powerful, rearms technology advanced to take advantage of them. e reverse is also true: With progressive advancements in rearms, cartridges were developed, oen specically for adaptation into this new technology. Like all human endeavor, there have been many innovations, some proving to be enduring, almost timeless; yet others fell by the wayside without so much as a footnote in history to mark their passing. Concepts, ideas, and theories come and go in the pursuit of the cartridge par excellence. If ever there was a perfect cartridge, no one has ever agreed to what it was. To this end, cartridge development continues to be an ongoing aair, with new ones emerging all the time. ese developments take the form of new projectile designs; new materials, revisions, or reworking of existing cartridges; or entirely new cartridges in dimensions not previously seen.