Since the terrorist attacks of 2001, policing has undergone considerable structural change. At the theoretical level, considerable international intellectual effort has been directed at rethinking the concept of policing (Johnston and Shearing, 2003; Palmer, 2009; Palmer and Whelan, 2007); the organization of policing (Bayley and Shearing, 2001; Jones and Newburn, 1998); and the conceptual delineation between different forms of policing (Jones and Newburn, 1999, 2002; Rigakos, 2005). In this chapter, we focus on how counterterrorism is shaping different ways of governing through policing in its many forms and practices. More specifically, the chapter examines recent developments in counterterrorism policing in Australia at national and subnational levels to enhance our understanding of how counterterrorism responses are reshaping the policing and security field and raises policy issues concerning the location of responsibility for counterterrorism practices and the accountabilities related to such decision making. We also link Australian developments with similarities at the international level.