Moving from Implementation to Sustainment For the past decade, a great deal of energy has been focused on getting healthcare HCOs live on certified digital platforms. Various vendors have worked extremely hard getting health care providers running on viable EMR systems. Sound implementation plans, project timelines, budgetary projections, go-live schedules, and task capturing spreadsheets have brought most HCOs to a point where implementation of their EMRs is completed. HCOs continue to struggle with the transition from implementation to adoption and sustainment. Focus must shift from merely getting the system live to using system functionality, new/modified workflows, and system-generated analytics to better serve patients and their families. The leap into adoption establishes a new set of issues and challenges. Getting the most out of your data, having clinicians and physicians adopt standard workflows to maximize efficiencies, and having leadership, at all levels, maintain a focus on “lifelong” sponsorship often fall short of desired sustainment outcomes. During this transition, HCOs may struggle maintaining metrics, end-user satisfaction, and positive patient care experiences/outcomes.