The purpose of this text is to expose the reader to the multifaceted components of real-life ethical dilemmas, thus providing opportunities to wrestle with these moral issues and better prepare for a future in the law enforcement field. Studying ethical theory assists each of us to frame our decisions and strengthen our moral decision-making skills. Acknowledging the role and importance of theory, Decision Point begins by addressing the prominent theoretical underpinnings of ethical behavior. However, the sole study of theory offers law enforcement students only modest value considering the profound practical implications of ethics in policing. John Schafer (2002) further explains this gap between classroom and real-life learning

Contrived scenarios in the classroom differ significantly from real-life ethical dilemmas. In the classroom, detached participants review facts, calmly discuss options, and provide idealized solutions that neatly fit a prescribed code of ethics. Choosing the right answer in an artificial setting requires little effort. On the other hand, making the right decision in real life demands strength of character because the reality of circumstances often blurs the line between right and wrong.