Facilitators are expected to be the ISO 50001 EnMS and the Tools and Techniques authority, but what about the meeting’s subject matter? If it is either of the two above, it is the facilitator’s responsibility. If it is about the facility’s problems or opportunities, then the team leader is responsible for the subject area. What if the team leader is new and doesn’t know the subject, should the facilitator help? Absolutely, as the name of this book implies (The Results Facilitator: Expert, Manager, Mentor). If needed, and if the facilitator is knowledgeable, then assist the team leader so that the meeting’s purpose and the goals are achieved. Remember, results are not about who gets the credit, it’s about producing the deliverables and achieving the desired results as a team. If the task is for a one-or two-meeting facilitator job, then the facilitator is neutral and does not deal with subject content, but merely the process to lead to obtaining the objective.