A good friend of mine once quoted an Afghan proverb to me: “If you are leading and no one is following you, then you’re only taking a walk.” There were many reasons why I risked my life to gather information and stay loyal to Mike Cabana. There were many reasons why I listened to the directions of Shane Halliday. I have gone above and beyond expectations for both at different times and would do so today with even more conviction. When I was asked to wear a wire to a meet with a Hells Angels target who had ordered my death three days earlier, it was my trust in Shane that convinced me to take the assignment. When I was asked to stay in a car while the high-risk takedown of two violent escaped convicts took place, it was my faith in Mike that convinced me to stay. The most crucial characteristic that swayed my decision to follow these men to the degree that I did was that they understood the meaning of humility. This attitude was expressed consistently through their actions and decisions. Mike and Shane have very different personalities, but they had this characteristic in common.