Job instructions are an essential stage of the work standardization process (Locher 2011, 10-11). The key is to get answers for the question: Why do we need job instructions? Well, of course, we need to write down the given steps in the production process. But is it their only use? You have probably guessed that it isn’t. As I have already mentioned, job instructions are indispensable to effectively train operators and improve work. Moreover, instructions can be useful for process auditing, as well as highlighting key points in the areas of safety, quality, and work correctness. You have probably encountered many instruction templates. One of the most common templates, especially for short-cycle operations, is the so-called standardized work combination tables (SWCT), which divide an operation into work elements. These standards, however, in my opinion, do not pay attention to the most important thing-the way the work element is performed and justification that the adopted way is the best. I believe that the best job instruction template is the one developed in TWI Job Instruction. In this template, job instructions are divided into major steps, key points, and reasons for key points (see Figure 2.1). Breaking down the job in such a way means the instructions describe a work method by its major steps and how they should be done, that is, key points, and why, that is, reasons.