This chapter formulates a response to the central question of the book: are traditional gendered structures replicated in new digital spheres or do they provide spaces that go beyond gender bias? The answer will focus on how there is no digital divide that is comparable to the deeply rooted horizontal and vertical segregation in journalism. In some cases, digital skills are stereotypically associated with masculinity, but they also constitute part of strategies for the empowerment of female journalists. An additional question that follows from the feminist aim of this book is: how do we move forward from here? In order to answer this question, the experiences of journalists that have been discussed in previous chapters will be integrated into a framework for structural change in journalism. The book ends with several recommendations on how change can trigger gender disruption in journalism. For example, a discussion of what news companies can do to make technological advancement a gender-equal story. One of the main points that will be made is that moving forward means being attentive to forms of backlash, keeping in mind that the progress toward gender equality in journalism is both tentative and non-linear.