Chapter 2 describes how this group of Latinos entered their professions by exploring what influences helped them decide to go to college. Their responses demonstrate the systemic obstacles they faced in the educational system, such as being tracked away from college, being treated like criminals in their high school environment, and even being discouraged from their chosen topics of study in graduate school and directed toward something more “appropriate” for their ethnicity. They also encountered family-level obstacles, especially the females, who were often not allowed to move away from home or were not supported if they did. There were also financial obstacles, particularly for those who were undocumented and unable to receive financial aid. Similar to my experiences, public policies and mentors proved vital for their entry into the university, making the difference between the success of some individuals to go to college, while their own siblings failed. The important role of counter-frames and cultural negotiations proved essential in navigating these obstacles and helping them to enter college and eventually the professions.