The mismatch distribution of forces between a mobile element and a rigid element may induce a mechanical deficiency, eventually leading to the failure of the weakest link. The purpose of this paper is to review recent findings in the field of implantology and prosthodontics regarding the implant-tooth support. A PubMed® and Scopus® search were performed. From 1479 articles were included 19 in the review. Precise guidelines must be followed, along with a thorough understanding of the corresponding risks and complications. Choosing tooth-implant support allows the maintenance of proprioception and bone volume, also eliminating free-end saddles and/or cantilevers. However, the controversy regarding the success rate remains, with some studies reporting similar outcomes to implant support, whereas increased annual failure rates of implant-tooth support have been suggested by others. The paucity of longitudinal studies found in the literature reflects the need for further research in this field of prostho-dontics and should inspire future work.