This is an entirely new chapter, for the revised edition, which explores in more detail the relationship between Stoicism and more recent third-wave CBT approaches, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It focuses especially on the relationship between Stoicism and mindfulness, and also values clarification. As ACT is one of the most influential third-wave approaches, its eightfold “hexaflex” model is used as a framework for examining the relevance of different Stoic ideas and practises. The eight processes are called “acceptance”, “verbal defusion”, “present moment awareness”, “values clarification”, “committed action”, and “dimensions of self”. Although the third-wave therapies do not refer to Stoicism but instead draw inspiration from Buddhism, many of their innovations actually resemble ideas already present in ancient Stoicism but neglected by Beck and Ellis when drawing on Stoicism as an inspiration for second-wave CBT.