This chapter deals with the theoretical paradigm of minor transnationalism, drawing from Lionnet and Shih (2005) and the politics of everyday life. I look at the period Nicholaos lived in Famagusta and the events that inspired his move to the UK. Nicholaos narrates his decision to move to the UK as being more passive – something that happened to him – rather than an active choice. He identifies a convergence of international forces that create circumstances in which he moved. These include British decolonisation, the resistance Britain demonstrated to decolonising Cyprus, the strict and oppressive governance of Cyprus that enacted a logic of ‘divide and rule’, and the consequent ongoing fight for enosis by Greek nationalists in Cyprus. Simultaneously the rise of Nasser in Egypt and his relative power led to the removal of British troops from Suez. Many of these troops were moved to the Dhekelia base near Famagusta. Famagusta was a growing port city and, as a port, was a diverse city as boats stopped in Famagusta frequently en route to the Suez Canal, the Middle East, and beyond. These forces of international politics aligned with Nicholaos’ personal experiences that had brought him to Famagusta, and created the circumstances in which he met the Scorers and ultimately brought about his journey to the UK. I identify a minor colonialism in the life experiences of Nicholaos that becomes a minor transnationalism, illustrating the relevancy of the hyperlocal to understanding the impact of international geopolitics.