Students who decode fluently can focus on comprehension of text. Playing an instrument, making a free throw in basketball, or driving a car all becomes easier with additional practice. Column 2 focuses on the need for students to read fluently. The first piece of data used to identify students for this Column is the percentile scored on the universal screener. Students in Column 2 have fluency needs, but do not have a deficit in phonics. These students have mastered phonics skills, but are unable to apply them with efficient automaticity, therefore producing a low word per minute rate. Students need to have direct, explicit instruction in the area of fluency if listed in Column 2. Fluency needs can vary. Students in Column 2 have fluency needs, but do not have a deficit in phonics. These students have mastered phonics skills, but are unable to apply them with efficient automaticity, therefore producing a low word per minute rate.