This chapter describes the Monte Carlo methods used for the simulation of photon interaction processes under diagnostic imaging conditions and examines the application of the simulation techniques to various areas of diagnostic radiology. It explores Diagnostic x-ray imaging is achieved by the passage of low-energy photons through body parts which are composed mainly of low-atomic-number elements. The contribution of scattered photons to the absorbed dose in the phantom relative to the contribution of primary photons depends on the incident x-ray energy and thickness of the phantom. In diagnostic radiology, phosphor layers in fluorescent screens as well as image intensifiers are the commonly used x-ray detectors in an imaging system. In diagnostic radiology, it is important to determine x-ray spectrum accurately for studies of patient dose and image quality. The study of the imaging properties of a fluorescent screen by means of Monte Carlo methods consists of two steps: the generation of x-ray photon histories and the simulation of light diffusion.