Learning will not end once you start post-education employment. Technology, laws, knowledge, and standards continually change. On its own, the skill set developed at university is not adequate for a career that will span decades.

The transition from school to work is but one that you will experience during the course of the rest of your life. As you progress in the world of work, you will acquire reliable colleagues and associates who will advise you. The support of your network will be critical to your success and happiness in the workplace.

Regardless of where your path may lead, the advantages that you acquired as an international student will always be pertinent: problem-solving, good communication skills, strategic and creative thinking, adaptability, and the self-confidence that comes from your accomplishments.

This chapter notes that successful careers have always depended on networking and establishing positive relationships with others. Social media add complexity to networking and relationship building. The concluding topics of the chapter are: coping with mistakes; using social media to your advantage; and branding yourself to manage the image that you send into the world.